Her patient uses pillowcases to create one-of-a-kind dresses, shorts, shirts, and hats. Her talent to sew these beautiful pieces allowed us to bless a few Haitians with clean clothes. The joys that these gifts brought to their lives were priceless. As the children lined up to receive their new clothes their ecstatic expressions were amazing and fun to witness. Imagine receiving something new for the first time in your entire life... We witnessed one girl who was so thankful, excited, and protective of her new dress that she tucked it away between her legs as she continued to walk in order to save and cherish her new possession. Most could not delay wearing theirs, though, and proudly posed for the camera.
These gifts may have been the first and last new possessions they will ever receive. Take a minute to think about that... Just 1 new thing in life! Through the generous blessings of your time and talents, you can impact someone in Haiti. Most importantly, we can offer our prayers for them because ultimately no possession has the power that God has to fulfill the desires of our hearts. Like Dr. Fourrier said, these people are so materially poor but they are spiritually rich. We can learn from this in order to maintain our focus on what truly matters in life. Live humbly, remain thankful, and always remember it is more blessed to give than it is to receive.